Thursday, May 26, 2011

Evnironmental Problems in Malaysia

In this article they talk about deforestation, a floodplain in Sabah, and pollution. Because of the increase in palm oil, there has been a big global demand for oils and fats. And that makes they have to get rid of forests, which are animals' homes. There's also a flood, and that's forcing elephants to move to some place else. Also, the pollution is becoming a big concern.

Malaysia Tourism

Here they are talking about how Malaysia has already had 25 million tourists. They are very excited and proud, and know that they will get even more for the summer season festivals. They have had a significant 23% increase in the domestic tourism industry.

Malaysia an 'Oil Cursed' Country

In this article, they are talking about how Malaysia used to be rich in oil, but eventually the supply of the oil had gone down and now they are almost down to nothing. But they made a Heritage Fund, where when they have a little extra money, they put that money into the Heritage Fund for the future. The Heritage Fund was for education and social enrichment. But Malaysia is recovering wonderfully.